Forum Discussion

LinhNguyenPhu's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

CMI5 Issue

Dear Experts,

As a System admin for LMS, I meet a issues when upload file CMI5. We tested the file in offline and the file has no issue (you can sse in picture CMI5 issue1), But when we upload to system then issues occur. You can see in the picture CMI5 Issue 2 that it didn't show the image in slides correctly, and when the user click in one image, then the click is occur in another image. Please see the video Error LMS and Error LMS 2. Do anyone meet the same issues. The problem was in the file, the player or in the LRS. Thank you so much.

  • Hello Linh Nguyen Phu,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Since your course works when it is published to web, I recommend doing a few more tests to determine if the issue you're experiencing is isolated to your LMS. 

    If you are able to replicate the image issue in SCORM Cloud or Review 360, please open a case with our support team here so we can take a closer look at what's' happening.

  • LinhNguyenPhu's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank Joe so much,

    I tested in ScormCloud and meet the same Issue. Our LMS is CMI5 Compliant, we had run other CMI5 and it's run well

  • Hi Linh, 

    Good call on opening a support case! I can see that my colleague Phil is already working on the issue with you. Please share a copy of your Storyline 360 project file through the case at your convenience so we can continue troubleshooting the behavior.

    • LinhNguyenPhu's avatar
      Community Member

      Dear Joe, The storyline is vendor owner, so that I don't have it now. Is It anyway to find out the problem without the storyline project file? Cause It's hard to me to get the storyline file due to the contract with vendor.

      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Linh,

        Thanks for following up! Not to worry, I've updated your support case with the feedback you shared so Philam can continue to troubleshoot with you!

        We'll continue this conversation over in your support case to keep all the information in one place.

  • LinhNguyenPhu's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank Steven, 

    I Just receive the feedback of my staff, We encouter the new issues, The File Is run well on Laptop and desktop, But when our staff run this file in mobile web, they can't click to the answer. Please see the Video for more details. We checked in another mobile, and it's ave the same issue

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      which Storyline Version are you using?

      there was a fix in version 3.76 (05/30/2023) for mobile

      • Fixed: On mobile devices, some interactive objects became unresponsive, and navigation could lock on slides with multiple videos.



  • do you tested the classic player with or without auto scale to fill browser window ?

    you should send articulate support a sample .story file with the problem - so they can fix the bug with modern player

  • LinhNguyenPhu's avatar
    Community Member

    Our Vendor said that they just publish the same file and only change player to classis Player. So I guess That file with auto resize

  • LinhNguyenPhu's avatar
    Community Member

    I Check with Our Vendor. This file use Auto resize fearture in classic player. This Issue occur in just 10% of our staffs, and the issue occur in different slides with each staff/View. That the reason I Think the modern player is the root problem 

  • if you don't upload the .story file here or at least send it to support - no one can help you with the problem

    it doesn't have to be the complete .story file - just a few slides (with the problem) are enough