Forum Discussion

BrandyLong-b662's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Color of Marker Style

Anyone know how I can change the color of the marker style I'm using in my labeled graphic?  I need it to pop more so the learner doesn't miss it.

  • Hi everyone! In today's update for Rise 360, we added the ability to select your marker color! 🎉 I'm really excited about this one. Just go to the labeled graphic settings, and you'll see a field for marker color.

    You can also check out the release notes here. Have a great day! 

  • Hi Rosemary! There isn't a way to adjust the "visited" marker color right now, but thanks for sharing that feature idea! 

  • Hi there, Lucy! Thanks for chiming in and letting us know how having multiple marker colors in one labeled graphic block would be helpful for you. 

    While there isn't a way to adjust the marker animation, you may want to look at designing this interaction as a Storyline Block! By designing this on a Storyline 360 slide and embedding it in Rise 360, you'll have many more customization options for marker color and animation.