Forum Discussion
Comments not coming through in Articulate 360 Review
My SME reviewed a Storyline course in Chrome and her comments aren't appearing in 360 Review. I've checked every version of this course and her comments are not showing up. I was able to post a comment with no problem. The option to allow a non Articulate ID user review and make comments was selected prior to her reviewing. Are her comments lost, or is there a way to retrieve them?
Hi Theresa,
Do you know if she hit "Post" or pressed the Enter key prior to moving to a new comment? That's what is required to post it to the course.
If you'd like our Support Team to look into the course itself, we're happy to! Can you reach out using this link to share the Review 360 Share link, Course Title, the email your SME would have used and your Articulate ID? That information will allow us to look into things on the back end!
- TheresaGagli991Community Member
Hi, thanks for the reply! I submitted a ticket, but now everyone can post to the project and the original poster resubmitted her comments, so I think they stopped looking into it. However, your response is interesting. Can you clarify how the reviewer is supposed to post to the course:
1. only click "Post"
2. only press "enter"
3. click "post" or press "enter"
Also, does it matter if the reviewer went back in to edit the post or does it matter if they copied and pasted their comments from Word into the post?Thanks again!
Hi there, Theresa!
Thanks for sharing your Share link with our team! I took a peek at your case and see my colleague, Renz, is working closely with you on this. Although your SME can comment now, I'll still follow along just in case to share any relevant updates here!
In the meantime, you asked some great questions above, and I'm happy to answer those for you:
- How to Post Comments: Reviewers can either press Enter on their keyboard or click the Post button to comment on a project. Best of both worlds!
- Scenario: Reviewers can edit their comments and also copy text from Word. I ran a quick test by copying a few lines from Word and Google Doc where they pasted into Review 360 as comments. I did this in Chrome 75, but any of these supported browsers should be a-ok!
If there's anything else I can help with, I'll be here!
- RaydenRemediosCommunity Member
Hi, folks! Sorry to resurrect a 7-month issue, but I saw no resolution.
I'm having this issue with one of my SMEs on a Rise course. It's happened before (with him and others) and it makes me hesitant to rely on (the wonderful convenience of) receiving feedback through Review360.
Thanks! No apologies necessary, Rayden. We're here to help!
I'm opening a case so that we can communicate more directly! You'll get an email from me shortly, and we'll work on our next steps from there!
- RaydenRemediosCommunity Member
Thanks for looking into it!
- PauletteSuggs-3Community Member
I am having the same issue. I sent the link for review to reviewers (no password) and reviewers clicked on the "Review" text (upper right of the screen, in Chrome) and nothing happens. Thank you for your attention to resolving this issue.
- PauletteSuggs-3Community Member
Also, I need to add that the "enable comments" section is active.
- JennaMammolito-Community Member
I can see a comment coming through email but when I hit review to see all the comments, it is not showing up there. This is very disconcerting and is creating more work for me.
Can you tell me why it would show in an email and not in the review?
Thank you.
Hi Jenna,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'm happy to dig in with a quick clarifying question:
- When you try to access the comments through the email alert, does a number appear next to the Feedback tab?
- If not, we have an open bug where that feedback notification doesn't display the number of new comments, but the comments should appear in the feedback section.
- If your experience is different, are you comfortable with sharing the Review 360 link with us for testing? Here's the private case link to send it along.
- JoWade-70722356Community Member
I have this issue this morning, I have 30+ emails with comments from my SME but none are showing in the Review itself and the feedback number has not increased. The emails dont identify which slide they refer to so I am really struggling - can you help?
- When you try to access the comments through the email alert, does a number appear next to the Feedback tab?
- sarah_dewarCommunity Member
I'm having the same issue. I know my reviewers are posting correctly, but I can't see anything, nor can I see updates to courses that external developers have asked me to review.
Nothing seems to be going through as of yesterday around 12pm EST.