Forum Discussion

HareeshGowth240's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Completion Status Issue in SCORM cloud

Hello Team,

I have come across an issue with the completion status while using SCORM cloud. The completion criteria of the course is set to 80% completion + Complete/Incomplete. In the course which was developed during April 2022, the completion status was getting reset on relaunch after viewing 80% of the course. Also after the completion of the course the date does not reset on relaunch. This was the desired behaviour of the course.

During 2023, we had some updates done to the same course. This time in SCORM cloud, after the course has been completed, if I relaunch the course, and navigate to only a few slides and then exit; the course shows as completed. The completed date also gets updated to the date of relaunch of course. Kindly let me know how to reset the completion status on relaunch.

  • Hello Hareesh, 

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. 

    It looks like updating or uploading a new version of your course has somehow caused it to behave differently in your LMS. Can I ask if you've tried uploading the updated version of your course as a new course to see if this changes anything? 

    Alternatively, you can try setting the Resume Behavior of your course to Never resume in order to force the course to always start at the beginning at launch - which might have an effect on the completion status in your LMS. Lastly, you can try using different learning standards when publishing your course. Doing so might allow your LMS to interpret completion criteria differently. 

    If the issue persists, would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!