Forum Discussion
Continue Button Upon Quiz Completion in Rise
Seems like such a fundamental failure. Pretty frustrating.
I was trying to avoid next/previous numbering issue with continue buttons, which Quiz absolutely breaks. I suppose i could disable the menu and have students fly completely blind.
A toggle switch to turn off the lesson numbering is all that is needed to avoid having to workaround like this.
Alternatively we might be better off just building in our LMS (canvas) with modules and pages
Double Alternative is to enable next button, but still add continue button at the bottom of each lesson.
This way the next button will still be hidden at the bottom of each lesson. Next button will now show up on quizz, so a button is still user facing in generally the same location as continue.
Unfortunately the next numbering issue still exists and it is a different visual style of button and therefore inconsistent. I suppose you could think of it as the chapter close button style.
A way to hide the lesson number is now all that is needed.
A toggle exists for Lesson Count Labels. Another toggle needs to be added under Previous & Next Button settings