Forum Discussion

MaheshShriram-a's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Copy or select text from screen of published module

Hi All,

Can anyone please help me find a way to give learners access to copy the text or at least select the text from the published module?

The output will be like this, on the first screen, the learner will copy/select the text from the textbox/caption/text entry field, whichever supports. On the next slide, paste the copied/selected text in the text entry field.

Find the attached file for a sample.

  • Hi Mahesh, if you define a variable, and paste the text you want to allow the user to copy, into the value of that variable, and then associate the text input with that variable "input01Text" in the example I've provided, you will see that the text input is populated with the variable value and is selectable as you require.

  • One more question: How to copy the text associated with button/hotspot and paste it in the Text Entry Field.

    For example: learner type the comment in the Text Entry Field then click on the button to copy the text assigned to that button and paste it in the Text Entry Field.

    Please find the attached file for sample.