Forum Discussion

KristofferDarj's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Could block be without content when adding them?


The first thing I have to do after adding a text block is always to remove the default content. Would be nice if that had shown the first 5 times I added a block after creating the account. Now it just adds extra work.

Any way to turn it off and get an empty block instead?

The same goes for any type of block. Images would be much quicker to add if it didn't show a default image but a button that said 'upload image' instead.

Or accordions or anything else that adds default content.

I know there is an old thread about this, I posted it under another account:

But since I haven't seen anything about it and the old thread is locked, I thought it might be time to lift the issue once again.

  • Thanks, that could be one way to go about it. I guess I have to invent some naming scheme then to sort them alphabetically. Not ideal but I'll give it a try.

    Anyhow it seems they have designed for the beginner instead of the intermediate user and that's mostly not good UX/UI practice. Might be thet there are just a few of us regularly creating courses and in that case I guess it makes some sense.

    If they are out there listening they should instead try to help beginners become intermediate users, and count on the fact that all expert users will eventually fall back to intermediate as well.

    Thanks again for the idea.