Forum Discussion

NinaTomleson's avatar
Community Member
9 years ago

Course certificates

How do I add certificates at the end of my course?

  • Thanks for checking in, Silke! No updates yet, but we'll let you know if we add this option in the future. 

  • did this ever get updated?  seems like a lot of things are "in the works" and then never actually get done?

  • Hi Michael! No news for this feature, we have a roadmap for features that are in development or planned here. Depending on priority, developmental cycles, and the impact of the feature, this may change. If we make any changes that help, we'll let you know!

  • Been a request for 4 years.  It would help 360 courses become more sale able.   There are work arounds but they are clumsy.   Surely this can get up the priority list!

  • this would be great for higher ed as well.  Especially for flipped classroom!

    • hazelB's avatar

      No updates yet. We'll update this thread once we make changes that will help!

  • VickyAttridge's avatar
    Community Member

    This is a much needed feature as some of course sit on the internet as well as our LMS system. This is due to external people needing to complete them. Without a certificate this make Rise a no go for us for some of our smaller modules.


    An update would be great, when there is one.