Forum Discussion

AchyutBiswas-22's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Multiple continue buttons on Rise 360


I have created sections where I wanted to link the next section from the previous using the interactive method (Button). However at the end of the slide there is a button to navigate to next lesson and also a scroll down bar for next lesson. Is there anyway we can retain only one, both of them seems unnecessary. I have attached the screenshot for your reference.

  • Hello Karl,

    This turns off the TOC (Table of contents) of the course, but I can still see the continue button at the end of each lesson.


    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member


      My apologies for the misinformation, I should stop doing this from memory.

      Try this instead:

      1. Course
      2. Theme
      3. Navigation
      4. Select the Buttons tab.
      5. Set Previous / Next Lesson Buttons toggle to OFF

      Note: while this will turn off the navigation that appears at the bottom of the page, it will also turn off the navigation that appears at the top of the page.

      • RitaSaloio's avatar
        Community Member


        Instead of turning off this option, is it possible to change the text that appears on this automatic button? The text that appears creates confusion among trainees, since before the name of the module (which we defined) a reference to "Module 1...2...3......." automatically appears.