Forum Discussion

MathewJiss's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Course content and assessments

Hello All,

Can I design the learning content and formative assessment (a quiz) on the same page? What I am looking for is, one side of the slide students are able to read the learning content and they accept the trigger to take a quiz. Once they accept the trigger (button), then the course content disappears till taking the quiz. Anyone, let me know is it possible? If possible how to go about it? 

  • It is possible using layers, but I'm not quite sure why you would want to given that the content will disappear once the user is ready to take the quiz. It would require more work to do this all on one slide vs two separate slides.

    To work it, your quiz is your base layer. Add a new layer, which will house three things: content, a button to take the quiz, and some shape to cover your quiz question.  For triggers, when the timeline of the base layer starts, show layer "Content," when user clicks "Take Quiz" on the content layer, hide the content layer (revealing the quiz question below). You may also want to add a variable for "ContentSeen" and make a trigger that 1) sets ContentSeen to True when the Content layer starts and 2) does not show the Content layer if that variable has been set to True. Just in case a user revisits the slide.