Custom Learning(LMS/LRS) Suggestions
Is this the right place for this? Maybe not. Am I still hoping to be pointed in the right direction? Yes, please!
We are a CEU training provider in CA and the bulk of our training is housed in SCORM files (yay Storyline!) but we also offer a fair amount of livestream and in-person training.
We have basically "outgrown" our LMS solution in terms of functionality. We are not the type of business that is their primary audience and it SHOWS. We exclusively sell our training to external customers and they're built for internal training.
They also do not offer the option to customize much beyond logos and colors.
I've been on a quest to find a better LMS for us and would LOVE to explore something custom - however - I can't justify a super large ANNUAL price. The larger cost upfront with lower annual maintenance costs, maybe. (We are very small in ever sense of the word)
I've looked at SaaS solutions and I've looked at WordPress plug-in solutions but still haven't found something that meets our needs without the extras (We do not need gamification or forums for example).
Recommendations for what to look for? I feel like there's a secret keyword that I just haven't searched for.