Forum Discussion

AlexanderWester's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Customize text contrast of Cover Photo


Could you help me with the following. 

In the feature 'Cover Photo' the text contrast is ranged between 10% en 90%. However, when selecting 10%, there is still a considerable degree of (dark) contrast in my Cover Photo. Is there a way to set 0% contrast?

Thank you!


  • Crystal-Horn's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi there, Cathy! Good news -- this setting exists in the cover page options under the Theme menu. Select Edit > Text contrast > and change the contrast to 0%.

  • Hey folks! 

    Thanks for checking in. Setting the contrast to 0% isn't an option at this time, but we're still monitoring this request. We'll let you know if this functionality is added in the future!

  • Hi Matt and Alexander,

    It's been a while since we've replied here, so I wanted to share an update. This feature isn't on our immediate roadmap, but I'd like to bring it up with our product team again. If I get an update, I'll be sure to pass it along to you!

  • zoebristow's avatar
    Community Member

    I also need this as it is not compliant with our brand guidelines. At present I am having to find an alternative platform which is such a shame as I do like Rise.

  • I put in a feature request for this, I would recommend everyone do the same.  The more times this gets requested the more likely this will get on the radar.

    I did supply this image with my feature request...  its the rise branding used as a cover photo.  Maybe seeing how their own branding gets skewed will get this on the radar even sooner. :)


  • Is there any way around the 10% contrast yet. Surely this can't be that difficult for the developers to implement? We need a 0% option, please.

  • Thanks for checking in, folks. We haven't made any changes to the contrast levels in Rise 360 cover photos. We'll let you know if that changes!

  • Branding matters!  And if a company wants a cover image darker, they can upload a darker image.  It doesn't make sense for Rise to monkey with contrast and thus the display/colors of an  uploaded image.  Here's your own "bright" blue.

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi there, Cathy! Good news -- this setting exists in the cover page options under the Theme menu. Select Edit > Text contrast > and change the contrast to 0%.