Forum Discussion

RenéCyber's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Déclencher la diapositive suivante depuis un calque


Je souhaiterait déclencher la diapositive suivante depuis un Calque en cliquant sur le bouton suivant et non pas sur un objet du calque. Je ne vois pas cette option. Le but étant que tout s'ouvre à la suite en cliquant sur le bouton "suivant" uniquement (calque de diapositive et diapositive). Comme dans Engage 360 par exemple. 


Est-ce que cette fonction existe ? Si non, allez-vous la dévelloper ?

Merci d'avance de votre réponse. Une réponse en anglais me convient très bien.


  • Bonjour, Poste!

    I'm not sure I fully understand the question. The Next button should still work from within a layer:

    If this is not what you're asking about, do you have a sample file you can share?

  • RenéCyber's avatar
    Community Member


    I mean, I want to go to the next slide (slide 2), when I'm  on the Layer (Slide1). But as I see, this option are not possible. We have to clic on a object to go to the next page. 



  • BeccaLevan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Poste! 👋

    I'm not sure I'm following, so I'd like to gather more clues.

    • Do you have the next/prev buttons enabled for that slide?
    • Do you have a slide in place following the layer? The next button will not take you to the next slide if you don't have a slide to move to.

    Take a look at this recording of a sample I created, and let me know if you see something different. We'll figure out our next steps from there!

  • Hi, Poste.

    Thank you for clarifying!

    I understand you want to use the player's buttons (Previous / Next) to move through the layers in your slide.

    My suggestion for a workaround is to use a variable that counts the user's movements, so it changes the button's behavior. 

    In my attached example, I have two slides, and the first slide has two layers. When the user clicks the next button, it uses the value of the variable "Layer" to decide which layer to show. It also adds a value of one to the variable every time the user clicks the button. When the user is on the last layer (and the variable's value is now 3), clicking the button jumps to the next slide).

    The opposite happens with the previous button: it moves backward through the layers and subtracts the value. 

    Here's the preview:

    I hope this helps!

  • RenéCyber's avatar
    Community Member

    Thanks you ! 

    I tried to programm it, but how do you configure the If "Layer" ? You create a new variable? 


  • Hi, Poste.

    Yes, I created the Layer variable in the project:

    On each trigger, we add the "If" as a condition:

    Let me know if this helps!

  • RenéCyber's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes, thank you. It's quite tricky but it works. The only problem is then when you go backward. Example

    3 slides. Slide 2 with layers

    When I'm slide 3 when I go backward I have slide 2. Everything normal for now. But then when I push again backward, if the Layer 1 of slide 2, then I push again, I have slide 2, then push again finally slide 1.

    I don't think we could do something about it. Tell me if there is a solution.

  • Hi, Poste!

    Since this is a workaround of how the Previous/Next buttons usually work, unfortunately, we have to "predict" every possibility of navigation and create triggers for those. 

    Do you have a .story file you can share with how your navigation is currently working, so we can try a few different options?