Forum Discussion

SharonChimere-D's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Delete multiple lessons and sections at once

Hello! Is there a way to delete multiple lessons and sections at once in Rise?

  • Any updates on when we will be able to delete multiple lesson at the same, or in bulk? Deleting each lesson individually on a course with more than 20 lessons is not really user-friendly. Thanks.

  • When will this feature be available after all?

    I need once again to split a course with 72 lessons into 10 different ones, and doing this manually, is stupid and time consuming.

    What are the plans and deadlines on this?

    I think this is a major fault in your awesome product.

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi Rodrigo and all,

      We don't have plans to add a feature to delete lessons in bulk in the near term future. We'll let you know if that changes. 

  • KellieLink's avatar
    Community Member

    Agree.  I've duplicated a course and want to publish it in two sections- essentially needing to delete 1/2 of the course.  Doing so lesson-by-lesson is beyond frustrating!!!!!

  • Frustrating and so time-consuming!!

    Articulate, how do we add items to your development roadmap? 

  • Hi. I agree with Jennifer Clarke. We should be able to have the option to delete the section only or section and lessons in the section when we click Remove at the section level. Most software provides the option to delete parent-only or parent-and-child relationships. Please add this as a feature.

    I just had a course with 6 sections and 6-8 lessons in each section! The direction of the design changed and we are now breaking them into 4 modules with 1-2 lessons in each. The easiest way to duplicate the course 4 times and rename it. Then I went in to delete all the sections that were not needed. Only to find out I had to do each one individually. Time-consuming to say the least.

    Also, it would be helpful if there was a way to Copy only the parts of a course you need into a new course (not save blocks). That would have been even more helpful. If you could add these two requests I would appreciate it. 

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Tony,

      What I have done in a similar situation is to create a blank course, and then copy only the Lessons I need from the old course to the new course.

      To copy blocks from one course to another / one Lesson to another, the Block Templates feature works perfectly for this.

  • I'm so surprised this is still not a feature. 

    It would be so incredibly helpful if there was a way to bulk delete content blocks, similar to the way you delete multiple emails at once (checkboxes) and then delete only those selected. I just spent over an hour deleting so many blocks (text, image, divider, header, etc. etc.) splitting up a big lesson into several lessons.

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Rather use Block Templates to split up a big lesson into several smaller lessons.