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VR-d7ec7705-2b7's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Different triggers for Normal and Hover states of the button

Hello to everybody! I am new user of Storyline 360 and I have a question regarding buttons. 

What I do: on the slide 1 I have a Continue button (with Normal and Hover states) with "go to the next slide" trigger. I copy this button and paste it on the 2nd slide. Then I change the button's trigger on this 2nd slide to "go to slide 3 if ...." and "go to slide 4 if ...". 

Problem I face: yes, I did changed the trigger for the button on 2nd slide. But then I discovered that triggers are different for button's Normal state and Hover state. For the Hover state I still have "go to the next slide" trigger. 

Now I solve it by deleting the Hover state and making it again on the 2nd slide. But it's stupid and long. How can I improve it? How can I immediately apply trigger for the button's Normal and Hover states? 

Sorry if this is a stupid question. And thank you for this excellent opportunity to ask any questions here. 

  • VR,

    I'm somewhat confused as to what you are asking. Can you clarify for me? You say, " triggers are different for button's Normal state and Hover state." Does that mean you have a trigger that says, "Jump to slide 3 if user hovers over button"? What is the relationship between the states and the triggers?  It would help a lot if you would attach your .story file here.

  • Hi V R,

    Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!

    There's no such thing as stupid questions here. This is a great place to share ideas and troubleshoot with other members. As Walt mentioned, it would be helpful to take a look at your file to better understand the issue. You can upload it here or share it privately with our team in a support case. We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete. 

  • You shouldn't be able to have different triggers on states, have you pasted an object inside of the hover state that had a trigger attached?

  • ValeriaR's avatar
    Community Member

    Sorry for the late explanation of my question. 

    I guess yes, I pasted an object inside of the hover state that had a trigger attached. 
    So I see this ... different triggers in different object states

  • The easiest solution is to create the picture for the hover state without a trigger (the easiest way to do that is to just delete the trigger before you copy it). Then you can copy it, edit the Button states, create a Hover state and paste the button. From then on, when you copy and paste the button, the trigger will be copied with it, but you can change that, and the states will be copied, but without any attached triggers.

  • ValeriaR's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response, @Walt Hamilton!

    So, I want to reuse the same button (with Normal and Hover states) on different slides but change the triggers on 2nd button
    (For example, button 1 leads the user to the next slide and I want button 2 to lead the user to the final slide). 

    Do I understand right that to reuse my button I need:
    1. delete triggers for button 1 (then button 1 has Normal and Hover states with no triggers)
    2. make a copy of it and go to the next slide
    3. past it and create triggers for this button 2
    3. reset the trigger for button 1

    Did I understand right? 

  • I may have been a little fuzzy in my answer.  All you need to do is to get rid of the trigger attached to the picture on the hover state. The problem is that you can't edit or delete it while editing states. You have to get the picture out of the state, delete the trigger, and replace it in the state,

    1. if the picture you are using for Hover state is easy to reproduce, just delete the hover state, create a new hover state and paste a version of the picture that doesn't have a trigger.

    2. If the picture you are using for Hover state is difficult to reproduce, edit the object's states. Copy the picture in Hover, and end editing. Paste the copied picture on the stage and delete the trigger. Copy the picture again, edit the object's states, delete the picture from Hover state, and paste the new one in its place. Be sure the X and Y values of the picture are both set to 0, so it lines up.

    However you get rid of the unwanted trigger, from now on, you can copy the object, paste it to a new slide, and edit the trigger.

    Refer to the attached video.