Forum Discussion

YuphaphannHoonc's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Drag & drop audio not working in Chrome (Storyline 3)

With the latest version of Chrome (89.0.4389.114 64 bit) on Windows 10, the audio of the prompts no longer work, though the drag and drop still works. (i.e. you can still drag a prompt to a target).  BTW, the targets' audio still work. 

Chrome seems to be the only browser with this problem. I have tested with Firefox, iOS (iPad 12.5.2) and Samsung Internet ( on Note9. The drag & drop audio works properly  in all these browsers.

Please troubleshoot. Thank you.

Here's my test file, published today with Storyline 3 update 11. 

  • Hello Yuphaphann!

    Thank you so much for sharing your project! I've tested your course in Chrome Version 89.0.4389.114, and I hear all of the audio play. Here's a quick look at my test.

    The only thing I've noticed is that the audio doesn't play automatically when selecting some of the buttons. This can happen if the buttons have a Down state, which means a learner has to select the button twice.

    Please let me know if you see something different on your end than what I've shown in my screen recording!