Forum Discussion

BrendaHeilman's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Video on Storyline Results Slide Success Layer not working in PeopleSoft ELM

We inserted a 'confetti' video from the Content Library into the Success Layer of the Storyline Results slide.  It works beautifully in SCORMCloud.  But in PeopleSoft ELM, after answering the last question, the course just sits and spins:  it doesn't show the feedback for the last question, nor does it load the Results slide.  When we remove the video from the Results slide's success layer, it works fine.  Replacing the video back into the layer resumes the same issues.  Wondering if anyone else has seen this issue or has a suggestion for a fix?

  • are you using video setting "Adaptive"?

    if yes, change to "Static" and try again

    some Web-Server don't support HLS-Videostreaming (= Adaptive)



  • Hello Brenda, 

    Good idea to test your course in SCORM Cloud! If your course works fine there and not in PeopleSoft ELM, there's a chance that the issue is with their environment. We recommend reaching out to their support team so they can investigate the behavior. 

    You can also enable the 'LMS debug mode' of your course to help your support team investigate the behavior. This will give you insight into the last events right before your course freezes in your LMS. Here's how:

    I'll let other PeopleSoft ELM users chime in in case they have additional insight they could share with you!

  • are you using video setting "Adaptive"?

    if yes, change to "Static" and try again

    some Web-Server don't support HLS-Videostreaming (= Adaptive)



    • BrendaHeilman's avatar
      Community Member

      Eeek!!! You're a genius Jurgen!  This appears to fix it, at least in our PeopleSoft test environment--THANK YOU SO MUCH!