Forum Discussion

JasonKanter-ecc's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Drag & Drop Options missing and much needed

Two slides in the attached *story file. The first, in English, was created last year and works properly. Now we need a Spanish version. All the text has been translated into Spanish and the drag- and drop-elements and their object triggers have been renamed. But the Spanish version does not work: the drag elements do not stick to any of the targets except the correct ones. And I can't find a "Drag & Drop Options" menu item anywhere.
Please help, we have a lot of these to create in Spanish.

  • That was very useful and I've moved ahead, but still have some issues in getting the behavior I want.

    Help with this drag-n-drop structure please.
    I'm working with teaching some technical vocabulary and a basic understanding of the mechanism of a piano action. This type of slide presents a paragraph with blanks in it, and a field of draggable words that are to complete the paragraph sensibly. There are some draggable words that do not belong anywhere.
    The behavior I'm looking for is:

    • The user drags some words into some places and clicks Submit. Let's suppose 6 are correct but 2 are incorrect.
    • The Incorrect layer shows a score (for example 6, showing how many drops are correct) and offers a Try Again button. One of the attached slides also offers a Reset button.
    • On clicking Try Again, the 6 right answers should remain in place, the 2 wrong answers should return to the word field, and the user can then drag words to the remaining empty slots and click Submit for a fresh score. No limit on how many tries.

    The attached file contains 5 slides all using different combinations of settings, none of which is quite right. In each slide I've placed notes to technical reviewers concerning what the settings are, what the resulting behavior is, and what the desired behavior is. It is not necessary to get these "right" in order to see the behaviors; just drag some words to some openings and click Submit.
    You can experience this on the Review360 site by clicking this link.

    And here is the *.story file.
    Please help.