Forum Discussion

PaulLaville's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Drag and Drop Issue June 22


I don't know if anyone else has this, or whether I'm missing something obvious, but I keep seeing this issue on the Freeform D&D interaction.

What happens is this:

User drags items across the screen & drops into incorrect containers on try#1 - behaviour of D&D objects is as expected.

User drags item ACROSS containers on try#2 (as most people would) - and the containers seem to 'auto-populate' with D&D items.


Users can drag the items from the containers as expected, but surely the containers should not 'auto-populate' in this manner? It makes the e-learning look as though it's 'broken'.

It only seems to be an issue when D&D options are set to 'TILE' & 'SNAP' - as per image below - which I can obviously change, although the end result looks untidy.

Here's a screen recording I took of the slide in preview mode - needless to say this also occurs when the file is published.

There are some 'custom' triggers built into the slide to enable the items to return to their starting point on each 'Try Again' but I wouldn't have thought these would interfere with the interaction - would they..?

Can anyone help eliminate this issue?

I'll pop the SL file below.



  • Hello Everyone! ✨

    I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.76.30446.0).

    In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

    • Drag-and-drop interactions behaved erratically after multiple attempts.

    As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

    Update Authoring Apps

    If you have any questions, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

    Have a great day! 

  • I use the same approach to Drag and Drops. The problem is that you can't set the "Drop Target Options" to "Tile". That's where things get wonky. I've never been able to come up with a solution other than setting "Drop Target Options" to "Free". Not a great solution but it will stop the weird drag effects you're seeing.

    • PaulLaville's avatar
      Community Member

      Glad to know it's not just me!

      Yes I changed the target options to FREE - it doesn't look great as you say, but it'll have to do until the Storyline wizards can fix the issue.

      It's fine for one drag item per container - but then of course you don't need to TILE the items.

      The other option is to not have a D&D for this question, which I'm considering.

  • What causes it is the custom return triggers, They move the drop objects, but don't inform the targets. So when trying again, when the learner clicks an object, the system thinks it is still in the last dropped location, and shows it moving from there.

    Perhaps the easiest solution is not to clear the targets on trying again. Personally, I think that is a stronger option, pedagogically speaking.

    If you must have the tiling and clearing, there is a solution. It's posted at 

    Be warned that it is an industrial strength solution. It will show how to do what you want, but will require enough work that it seems to me to be useful only to those who absolutely need both tiling and object return. It  contains several DnD options. I think slide 1.7 is most likely the one that shows what you want.

  • PaulLaville's avatar
    Community Member

    Ah... that's interesting. It was the return triggers all along...

    Thanks for the link, Walt. You're right, it is an industrial strength solution but within your file and the discussion thread are the answers to a whole bunch of D&D 'issues'.

    Thanks again, Walt. Very helpful :)

  • Hello Everyone! ✨

    I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.76.30446.0).

    In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

    • Drag-and-drop interactions behaved erratically after multiple attempts.

    As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

    Update Authoring Apps

    If you have any questions, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

    Have a great day!