Forum Discussion

kathleenMcIs761's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Drop Down List boxes - problem with one drop down


I have 8 drop down boxes in my question and they all work except one. I have a drop down with 3 selections - purchase, review and destruction. When I preview my slide and try to choose "review" it just shows as blank. When I choose "purchase" or "destruction" they show up and work perfectly. I have no idea how to fix this one thing with my word "review". All other 7 drop downs are working perfectly. I am at a loss 

You can see the first snippit is me trying to select review and it is blank. When I select purchase it is perfect.

  • Could be lots of things. Attach your .story file here, and someone can help you figure out which one it actually is.

  • I've never seen anything like this.

    The problem has two parts, and they must both be present for it to be a problem. One is that for the text on the states of the shapes, you have added text boxes to the different states. It will help speed up your workflow a bit, if you just put text directly on shapes. Just click them and type. However, it works for all your other shapes, but not the one with the state named "review". And it is exactly that name that is causing the problem. Notice that when you create the state and attempt to name it "review", the system changes it to "Review". "Review" apparently has some special reserved meaning for the system. If you change the state and put the text directly on the shape and not in a text box, it will work. Or if you change the name of the state to anything besides "review", it will work.

    On a side note, if you change the name of any other state of any other shape to "review", that one won't work either.

    For right now, I would just change the state name, but in the future, you might want to save some time by typing directly on the shapes.

    I'd also submit a bug report.

  • Wow that did work by removing the text box and typing into the shape. I guess I am so used to inserting text box to type and forgetting that I can just type in the shape. Thankfully that worked.

    I can't remove the word "review" because it is the correct answer in the question. 

    Thank you for your help.


  • You're welcome. PIAWYC  (Pass it along when you can). 
    I didn't mean for you to change "review" as an option in the drop down, but change the name of the state that shows the "review" answer.