Forum Discussion

JacekWinckiewic's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Duplicate files within .story file


is there any way to get rid of duplicated files in storyline? As you can see on a screenshot a lot of content was duplicated, even if it is used only one time in the presentation. I know that SL stores deleted content for some time, but this is not the case. Maybe there is a way to know exactly what instance of duplicated file is used so I can remove it manualy? 


  • Not much help to you at the moment but I can attest that Articulate are working on this.

  • Hello Jacek,

    As i understand it, the media files are stored in the temporary folder. If this files are in the temporary folder i believe it is safe to delete it altogether. I haven't seen any article that gives an idea how to delete those file automatically. Storyline was designed and smart enough to detect those duplicate files however there are this type of instances.

    If you are unsure on what to delete, my suggestion would be leave 1 similar file in the folder. Let us say if you have 3 similar files, you can delete other 2. 

    Hope i was able to give you an idea how you go around this. I am also hoping for our experts to help us sorting your concern. 

    Please do not hesitate to reach back should you need assistance 

    Wish you all the best.

  • Hi,

    nope, it's not temporary folder. Screenshot I attached is from extracted story file. So those duplicates are within story file. I figure out solution that after exporting I can check media file name with chrome dev tools, and then I can delete other file. I didn't test it yet. But still, it would be tedious job to clean up whole file.

  • Really depends on how you inserted the videos and images, if you copy and paste they should not be replicated in the library, have you tried doing a save as on the file this typically removes duplicates or old files.

  • Yes, I tried saved as, it doesn't helped. Also I didn't copy/paste videos in the presentation, all are used only one time.

  • Hi Jacek,

    We are currently looking into this as Phil mentioned.

    I wanted to share some information on how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.

    I have added this conversation to the report so that we can pop in and share any updates when we are able.

  • VinceScoma's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I have good news to share!

    We just launched the newest version of Storyline 360 (Build 3.35.20995.0) this morning, which fixed the duplicated media issue! 

    The next step is to update Storyline 360 by heading to your Articulate 360 desktop app and clicking "Update" next to Storyline 360.

    As always, we are happy to answer any questions you have by posting in this discussion, or you are always welcome to connect with our Support Engineers directly.