Forum Discussion

TomMiller-8373b's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Embedded Vimeo Video: Tab order for Accessibility

Dear community,

I am embedding Vimeo videos in my storyline file. Sometimes it is one video per slide, and sometimes I have a slide with multiple layers each containing a video.

My issue:  When I use the tab key and keyboard arrows to mimic accessibility keyboard access guidelines the Vimeo controls do not show up in the correct order. 

Let me explain in more detail.

 I have customized my tab order so the progression is

Title of slide (in text box or as alt text for image)

Embedded video (shows as "Online video 1,2... et.")

Next arrow (Image with trigger)

Back arrow (Image with trigger)

The problem is, this is not the tab order I experience when I manually check the tab order via keystrokes (using the tab and arrow keys). Instead of the progression above, what I experience is  --

Title of slide (In text box or as alt text for image)

Next arrow

Back arrow

Embedded video controls such as play, scrub bar, and volume

I am wondering if anybody has recommendations on how to obtain my desired tab order for accessibility purposes.

I have tried options to play the embedded video (not a web object) including

"play online video" when a user clicks a button/image

"play online video" when a user presses a key when a certain image is selected/clicked

"play online video" when user clicks "online video 1,2,et" (the trouble is that the "online videos" do not appear in the tab order [nor is their alt text read by a screen reader])

The embedded object's control buttons are visible to the screen reader, but they come after the next and back arrows, and do not appear to be connected with the placeholder "online video 1,2,et". The alt text is not read and even though it appears in the custom tab order, the video is never "tabbed" to.

Thank you for your help in advance.




  • Hi Nicole,

    I appreciate the follow-up. I don’t currently have any updates to share, but wanted to provide some details on how we prioritize bugs.

    Since you're now subscribed to this conversation, you’ll automatically be notified here if anything changes.

  • Hi Tom!

    I see that you've submitted a case with our Support Team! Great call!

    It looks like my teammate, Vevette, has filed this as a bug in Storyline 360. We'll keep you updated in your support case!

  • Hello Team,

    We are also facing the same issue.

    We have customized the tab order to include the embedded videos, however, they are not shown in tab order. It is ignored/skipped by the screen reader.

    Later, the video controls (like volume, play/pause, etc) are shown up in the order but the alt text  is also not read by screen reader. 

    A quick help is appreciated.



  • Hi Shraddha,

    Thanks for reaching out, and I'm sorry that you are facing the same issue. We have reported it to our team as a bug where:

    A user is unable to tab to web videos and web objects before objects with on-click triggers on the same slide. 

    The object with triggers always comes first even when it's set-up correctly in the tab order, and there's no current workaround.

    If this isn't what you're experiencing, please connect with our support team, and they can lend you a hand with your file!

    Share your file with us.

    • NicoleBrady-9af's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello Ren,

      I was wondering if there is an update on this issue. 

      "A user is unable to tab to web videos and web objects before objects with on-click triggers on the same slide."

      We are currently experiencing the same issue. Can you provide an update?

      Thank you!

  • I have an idea to add here. I've experienced similar things with focus order jumping to back and next buttons (or forward back arrows) before the content that should get focus. My solution is to add a delay to the back and next on the timeline. Or if loading those nav buttons on a layer/master slide, delay the trigger that loads them by 0.25. This is sometimes enough to force the focus order back into the correct order. Try different delays, it may be that the video frame takes longer than 0.25 to load in.

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    We do not have any updates to share at this time, but we appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I have added your voice to this issue.

    You will be notified if we have any news in the future within this thread. 

    Hope that you have a great weekend! 

  • Is there any update on this bug? I'm working on accessibility features for a course, and despite fixing the focus order, the embedded videos come up last, meaning that there is no way to make this slide accessible as is. I think this bug should be prioritized due to its impact on accessibility.

  • Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for checking in on this! I understand you are looking for an update on the bug where you are unable to tab to web videos and web objects before objects when on-click triggers are on the same slide. There currently hasn't been any movement on this as we prioritize other fixes. I'm going to include your voice in the request. We’ll update this discussion when there is any news to share about this.