Forum Discussion

AurlienCousseme's avatar
Community Member
11 days ago

Question accessibility

Hello, I have a question regarding the accessibility of modules, specifically about handling questions.

I'm working on the focus order, and I noticed that the focus order of a slide also includes the elements of the feedback layers (see screenshot, sorry it is in french^^ but you'll get it). 

Does this mean that a learner using a keyboard or screen reader will encounter the positive and negative feedbacks before even answering the question?

How do you handle such cases? What are your recommendations? 

Thank you!

  • No the user will not encounter the feedback until those layers are active.

    • BrianAllen-LNRS's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Ron for the quick reply - like the original poster of the question I have wondered about the screen reader behavior for these.

      Being able to see the layer content along with the base layer content in the focus order, **and** being able to order layer content above base layer content, does create a bit of ambiguity if you don't have access to a screen reader to actually observe the behavior.

      While the article is helpful (I've read it multiple times) imo it could benefit from adding some clarity about how reading/focus order for layers actually works in a screen reader.

      • RonPrice's avatar

        Agree.  I know there have been feature requests and discussions about the default ordering of the Focus Order having the Slide content at the top and the Layers at the bottom, which may ease some of the confusion.  Hopefully that will be available soon.

  • NVDA may be the easiest tool to test with -

  • DavidPrice-D1's avatar
    Community Member

    NVDA as Ron suggested is probably your best option for testing. The latest versions of SL will work with screen readers in preview mode which is really useful for testing as you no longer have to publish the course constantly to do your testing. You just need to switch on the global option for it (sorry I can't remember where it is).

    You may have to do some config on NVDA to get it to behave how you want, but out of the box it should allow you to test the basics.

    As the focus order screen shows all the layers and content together I just visualise them as their own individual groups and place things in the correct order according to their group. I don't think the groups position within the focus order makes a difference though, just the order for that group of elements on the layer (hope that makes sense).

  • Thank you all for your insights. As I can see, more and more people are interested in accessibility. Good.

    Do you know if there's a screen reader simulator or a way of observing the behaviour?