Forum Discussion

johnDateo-2b87b's avatar
Community Member
25 days ago

Equation Editor in Rise

The recent updates in Rise blew up an add-on equation editor, Equatio that we spend time and money on perfecting to use in the Rise courses. We have tried other things that work, then Articulate makes a change and something goes wrong and we have to make adjustments. We chose Rise for all of our lessons in our online academy, but, we cannot make math lessons easily. I really wish Articulate would get a robust equation editor. What are you all waiting for? This is disrupting our lesson production and is a pain point. If it were up to me, I would switch to another platform that is more math friendly. 

  • JessicaBacca's avatar
    Community Member

    WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree! I've been back and forth with people for the past week complaining and all they've given me is canned AI responses. Customer service is a complete joke with these people.

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Their new downdate has invalidated all the hacks/extensions/workarounds that the community has built up of the years to implement all the features they won't/can't. Rise is a bit borked. Storyline is a buggy mess. The community forums sometimes work and sometimes don't and have become more difficult to navigate. Hopefully it's all teething issues that will be sorted out, but given the attitude of intentional ignorance regarding feature requests for Rise/Review/Storyline, I doubt anything will happen this decade.