Error with Workday LMS for Rise course (works fine in Review)
I have a Rise course with a quiz that, upon successful completion with 100%, takes the learner to an attestation page. Everything works great in Review. In Workday, if the learner passes the quiz the first time through, all works as intended. However, if they fail and pass on the second attempt, there is a blank screen after the quiz and the learner is unable to advance. I was able to see the error code generated (pasted below).
Any advice on how to fix this? Thank you.
In ClearErrorInfo
GetQueryStringValue Element 'StandAlone' Not Found, Returning: empty string
GetQueryStringValue Element 'ShowDebug' Not Found, Returning: empty string
strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
Standard From Configuration File - SCORM2004
Using Standard From Configuration File - SCORM2004
In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM2004
Calling Standard Initialize
In SCORM2004_Initialize
In SCORM2004_ClearErrorInfo
Grabbing API
In SCORM2004_GrabAPI
Searching with Rustici Software algorithm
Grab API, returning, found API = true
Calling LMSInit
In SCORM2004_CallInitialize
In SCORM2004_GrabAPI
Grab API, returning, found API = true
Calling Initialize
Detected failed call to initialize
In SCORM2004_SetErrorInfo
strSCORM2004ErrorString=Already Initialized
strSCORM2004ErrorDiagnostic=Initialize has already been called and may only be called once per session.
Error calling Initialize:
Error Number=103
Error String=Already Initialized
Diagnostic=Initialize has already been called and may only be called once per session.
ERROR Initializing LMS
In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS
ERROR - LMS Initialize Failed
In DisplayError, strMessage=Error initializing communications with LMS