Forum Discussion
Everything we know about Cornerstone on Demand and Storyline!
Aplogies if this has been asked before but I need some help! We have been given a Zipped SCORM 1.2 file from Storyline 360 that we need to upload on Cornerstone. The way it has been built is a series of scenarios, the learner is posed a question at the end of the scenario, if they get it wrong they are given another question to answer, if they get that one wrong they get a third on. If they fail all 3 questions they fail the scnario. The learner has to pass all the scenarios in order to complete the module. They are offered a reset option at the end of the module - this is then done via the LMS (they use Unicorn) this then resets the questions for the user to then try again to pass the scenario they failed. As far as I know this isnt an option in Cornerstone - Unless anyone can tell me different. Doesn anyone know if a way round this for Cornerstone?
Hi Gemma, as far as I'm aware, Cornerstone doesn't record a 'failed' status.
The user would just need to request the course again, or load it up again and try to complete it. Once passed, the learning record status will change to completed/passed.
If you had the 360 files, I would just reset the course in the module itself.