Forum Discussion

PaulAguirre's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Exam results summary with Question Bank Category

Is there a way to add a summary result page on exams created via storyline wherein it will show the following:

  • Correct questions per category based on question bank
  • Incorrect answers, per category question bank

We don't want to reveal the actual question the exam takers got wrong but just the category where the question was from. That way exam takers will not try to memorize the question but review the course associated to the exam we created. 

                             correct     incorrect

Category 1                 3               1

Category 2                2               3

Total:                        5                4


  • You could collect that info using number variables and triggers with conditions. 

    • Set up two number variables per category: one to count correct answers and one to count incorrect answers.
      • Note: Alternately, you could just count correct answers, and then subtract that amount from the total answers. But you'd also need a variable to do that. So I think it's easier to just have separate variables for counting correct and incorrect. 
    • On each question slide, put a trigger that adds 1 to the associated "correct" variable with the condition that the button for the correct answer = Selected. Include an "Else" statement that adds 1 to the associated "incorrect" variable. That would look something like this: 

      • Be sure this trigger comes before the trigger that submits the question. 

    • On the results slide, insert references to the variables to show the user how many correct and incorrect answers they had in each category.
    • If the user will be able to retake the quiz, you need to use a Graded Results slide.
      • That's needed so you can reset the question bank. However, you can redesign the Results slide at desired. In other words, it doesn't have to look like a typical Results slide.
      • Before retrying the quiz, you have to set the variables back to 0. Those triggers need to come before the trigger that jumps back to the question bank. They would look something  like this: 

    This is demonstrated in the attached file. 

    It’s worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here’s the User Guide info: