Forum Discussion
"Expandable and then return to normal" Image in Storyline 360 Quiz
Hi everyone,
Another one of the new folks here.
I am creating a graded quiz in storyline 360 where the user needs to be able to click on the image, the image expands to a "full screen" size, and then return to its normal size when the user clicks on it again. I am assuming this would be a fairly common scenario and I while I have found a case that explained the basic way of doing it, I cannot seem to get it to work.
I have enclosed a screenshot to show my approach which works to an extent. I created the normal image on the quiz and then created an expanded state. I set the trigger to change the image to the expanded state when a user clicked it, and it worked fine. The issue comes in getting it back to a normal state. I thought this would be fairly simple but clearly I am not doing it correctly.
I have tried to create another trigger afterwards that the image would go to normal state when clicked but then neither worked. So I thought it may be object conditions for one or both of the triggers but I cant seem to work either. I'm sure it must be something simple that I am missing but I would appreciate anyone's guidance into what I am doing wrong.
Thanks so much!