Forum Discussion

LisaBicek-9746d's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Expanding Charcter Limits in RISE Interactivity Features

Is there a way to increase the maximum characters allowed in quiz and interactivity features? Specifically Matching (quiz) and Flip Card (interactivity)?

If not, can you provide a list of the maximum characters allowed for each element within quizzes, interactivities, etc.? OR what workarounds have people used?



  • Hi Lisa!

    Thanks for letting us know you need more flexibility with character limits in Rise 360 blocks. While we don't have a list of character limits for each block, I'll open the floor to the community to share their ideas with you!

  • Hi !

    I have the same request : i need more flexibility with characters limits in quiz (matching).

    The only way i found is to add an image with my choices and matches and named choices A, B, C, D et matches 1, 2, 3, 4.


    See attachment.

  • DianaMyers's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi All :-)

    Popping in here to say that it would be REALLY helpful to expand the number of characters that can be added to a matching option.

    We are translating some of our courses, and in some languages the translated text includes more words and results in having to rewrite the options to fit the available word count--none of which is ideal.

    For example, I'm using the Matching block and the maximum character limit seems to be 90 characters; unfortunately, this isn't enough to display the 21 words in my translated text. Now I'm left with the option of creating an image based on the full text (not great if edits have to be made in the future) or going back to our linguist to see how we can shorten the translation without losing any of the original meaning.  

    Thanks for your time and consideration!

  • DeniseRuggio's avatar
    Community Member

    Agreed! I create nursing matching exercises and the current character limit makes it impossible. I really hate having to go Storyline to get this done. Then when it's published, it has the play button for storyline making it a little clunky, rather than just showing the matching exercise so it has one cohesive and smooth interface.