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JonPlacebo's avatar
Community Member
15 days ago

Storyline 360 - quiz questions - multiple attempts - points awarded


I have many quizzes (prepared using Storyline360), each comprised of 20+ multi-choice and multiple response questions.

For various reasons, I don't want learners to attempt the entire quiz more than once.

I could allow the learner multiple attempts to obtain the correct answer for each question. However, I want the quiz result to accurately reflect the level of each learner's understanding.

My objective could be achieved if (for example), the learner was awarded:

5 points for obtaining the correct answer for their first attempt at answering a question; and

3 points for obtaining the correct answer for their second attempt at answering a question; and

1 point for obtaining the correct answer for their third attempt at answering a question; and

0 points for obtaining the correct answer for all subsequent attempts at answering a question.

It seems I cannot (on a single slide) award a different number of points to the correct answer, based on the number of attempts required by the learner to select the correct answer on that slide i.e., it seems I need to have several slides (with the same content) for each question - for example:

  • Q.1 is repeated on Slides 1 to 4 (i.e., each slide holds Q.1) and Q.2 is repeated on Slides 5 to 8 (i.e., each slide holds Q.2) ... etc; and


  • 5 points are allocated to the correct answer on Slide 1 (0 points for an incorrect answer), 3 points are allocated to the correct answer on Slide 2 (0 points for an incorrect answer) ... etc.; and


  • if the learner's answer for their first attempt at answering Q.1 (on slide 1) is incorrect - the learner receives 0 points and moves (through branching) to Slide 2 and will attempt the question again ... etc.; and 


  • if the learner's answer for their first attempt at answering Q.1 (on slide 1) is correct, the learner moves to Slide 5 (holding Q.2) and the process repeats.


At this stage, I think the process outlined above would achieve my objectives. However, it's very cumbersome i.e., instead of having 20 slides for a 20-question quiz, there will be 80 slides and every time I update a question, I will need to update the text on the next 3 slides.

I would appreciate any suggestions that would streamline the process. 




  • A multiple-choice question allows you to give partial credit for okay-but-not-the-best answers.

    You could use that functionality to assign points based on the number of attempts, which would be tracked with a number variable. 

    The trick: The actual multiple-choice responses are hidden from the user. Instead, use triggers to "select" the appropriate response/points based on conditions that check (1) whether the answer is correct, and (2) how many attempts have been made. 

    You might find this post and its demo file helpful. It's also about disguising a standard multiple-choice question to take advantage of the score-by-answer function: 


    Yes, it'll take some doing.  However, after you get one question working, you could duplicate that for the others. I think that would be easier than handling multiple versions of each question.

    And it’s worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here’s more information:

    • JonPlacebo's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Judy,

      I appreciate the time you have taken to provide a detailed response.

      I'm not sure whether this will cater for:

      my multi-choice questions i.e., only 1 option is correct (and the other options are totally incorrect i.e. no points are awarded); or 

      my select 2, 3, 4 or 5 out of the 5 options (multi-response questions).

      However, I'm not familiar with the use of variables and will explore your suggestions.




  • JonPlacebo : The disguised-question trick can be used for multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. You just need more conditions on multiple-response questions to check whether the user answered correctly. 

    There are other factors to consider as well, such as how to move one when the correct answer takes >1 attempt, and how to handle the Results slide. 

    This is all shown in the attached .story file. It has a quiz with one multiple-choice and one multiple-response. The slides include notes, which I hope will help you understand the programming.

    You will have to get comfortable with variables and conditions if you need this type of custom functionality.  Best wishes!