Forum Discussion
6 days agoCommunity Member
Storyline 360 - quiz questions - multiple attempts - points awarded
Hi, I have many quizzes (prepared using Storyline360), each comprised of 20+ multi-choice and multiple response questions. For various reasons, I don't want learners to attempt the entire quiz more...
Super Hero
JonPlacebo : The disguised-question trick can be used for multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. You just need more conditions on multiple-response questions to check whether the user answered correctly.
There are other factors to consider as well, such as how to move one when the correct answer takes >1 attempt, and how to handle the Results slide.
This is all shown in the attached .story file. It has a quiz with one multiple-choice and one multiple-response. The slides include notes, which I hope will help you understand the programming.
You will have to get comfortable with variables and conditions if you need this type of custom functionality. Best wishes!
5 days agoCommunity Member
Thanks Judy.