Forum Discussion
Export Variable Values via Email Message using JavaScript
Is there a way to trigger the email using JS and pull in some variable values as you showed here but to use a preconfigured email template file in Outlook AND send it invisible to the quiz taker to a defined quiz reviewer on submission of the quiz results.
Hi John,
Unfortunately I don't think this is possible (at least not per my knowledge and testing).
The email message that is sent has a very basic formatting (only contains any plain text that was a part of the JavaScript and any variable values that are configured to be a part of it) and pre-configured email templates cannot be used. In addition, to my knowledge there is no way to send an email without the learner clicking "send" within the email message that appears.
If you're looking for sending results to something without the learner's knowledge you may need to use an LCS and xAPI or API or look into exporting data to a spreadsheet like Google Spreadsheets - I know there are several articles on how to do this on this site.
Hope that helps!