Forum Discussion

LynnPuhr1's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Export/Import Resources from Player

I'd like to make a request/suggestion for Storyline 360. I would really like a feature that would export a resource list from an existing project to import into a new project. My use case - I am building a course that is modular and need the same Glossary & Resource entries.  You now have the Glossary export/import (yeah!) -- now, how about Resources?

Would be very grateful!

Lynn Puhr, GE Healthcare

  • I agree with others here. We just finished a rebuild of a course to add some updates. We ended up creating a new set of masters, importing the course slides, then making the remaining adjustments. When we published, we realized the resources don't import with the rest of the slide. An import/export for resources would be very helpful. Thanks!

  • ClaireWooton's avatar
    Community Member

    Another vote for a resource import/export feature. We have a storyline template for all of our knowledge evaluations. When we create a new knowledge evaluation for a course, we start with this template and then load the resources that are listed in the associated course. Having to manually enter 15+ titles and urls is a frustrating time sink. It would be nice to have a more streamlined method for duplicating a resource list. Thanks.

  • Thanks for sharing these details, Claire! It's important to understand how this feature would impact you while developing your courses. I've added your comments to the feature request and linked this conversation. We'll be sure to let you know if this makes it on our feature roadmap.

  • Adding my vote for this feature as well. However, my need is more to create a tool for learners. It would also support accessibility needs, as the learner currently has to open the module each time to find the linked resource, rather than a download or print list of resources option. While we could create a slide with resources, this redundancy defeats the purpose of Resources in the menu.

  • Continuing to voice support for this feature. Similar to some others, I'm developing courses with versions in multiple languages and would greatly benefit from a feature that allows us to export/import the resources between presentations. I think allowing the import of the entire player when importing slides/features from another storyline file would solve this as well as it's much easier to remove a few resources that may be wrong than adding them back one by one for every course.