Forum Discussion

J-MGuillemette's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Fading Feedback box

I have a course with multiple questions. Most work as expected but in a few cases, the text box with the feedback on the feedback layer fades out after 5 seconds. I've checked the settings for the slide and for the question layer and all is as expected: the previous, next and submit buttons are all active. I've also tried building new slides, without success. Can't figure out why these feedback boxes fade out. Suggestions? 

  • It sounds like the text box isn't set to "Show Until End."

    • You can quickly tell by looking at the timeline. The arrow at the end of the the timeline indicates that an object will show until the end, which really means it will stay on the slide (unless a trigger hides it). 
    • If you don't see that arrow, right-click the object, and then select "Show Until End" on the dropdown menu.

    Note: Since your issue happens even when you insert a new question slide, be sure to check the Feedback Master Layouts for the Correct and Incorrect layers. The "Show Until End" may have been inadvertently turned off there. 

  • Good morning, thanks for the help! I've checked my question slides and the feedback master and all objects are set to show until end of slide. Therefore doesn't seem to be the problem.