Forum Discussion

RafaelSanchezHe's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Field Text for adding user and password in sofware simulations

Hi Everyone,

In my company we are trying to create simulations for the sofware ( Apps that we have developed to served in our industry, these have specific user and passwords for each employee, If I want to create variables that complied with these specific rules. How can I create a field that would allow them to input their user and password like if they were in a real environment

Are there any ways that I can do this mix numbers and characters actions to be recognized as corrected by the field?

Example: if I want to create a field that allows employees to enter their user

Conditions are to use the first leter of the first-name first leter of the last-name and employee number. Can anything like this be created??

I need some help, I am kinda new to variables




  • Hi Raf, this kind of logic would need to use JavaScript for the validation. It would need something called a regular expression. These are used to verify strings meet a particular format, for example email addresses.

    In your situation, how would you verify that the user has entered the correct data. For example, how does the simulation know the users first name and last name and employee number. Is this data that is entered at some point, which you can then user to verify that the user name meets the requirements?