Forum Discussion
Flash Cards
I have been playing with some concepts today and came up with a nice flashcards animation.
Let me know what you think.
- KevinAmbroseCommunity Member
I always love seeing your projects. Keep pushing the limits!
- DavidDunn-0a98aCommunity Member
I am just starting out with Articulate, it is inspiring to see great pieces of work like this. Cheers.
- MaazRahmani-b8dCommunity Member
Wow, so awesome!
What would be some good practical applications for this besides a matching game?
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
you can use to reveal text
- AdenaWilson-5ddCommunity Member
I like this a lot! Thank you for sharing. The motions really give it life. Thinking of how I might apply your techniques.
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
Hi Adena thanks, it should be simple to repurpose. I have used in 3 courses since building it. Easy to move and resize. Any problems let me know.
Sent from my iPhone
- TrinaRimmerFormer Staff
Love this one, Phil. I just added it to our Downloads hub. Thanks so much for sharing your work with everyone!
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
Thanks Trina
- MichaelNorth-1eCommunity Member
This is awesome.
- DanielBrighamCommunity Member
Thanks, Phil. I love grids. I can see a whole bunch of uses for this. Say, if you had a puzzle theme in your course, and the learner clicks on each part of the grid to find the key to the puzzle.
Oh, the things I could do if I had your e-learning chops!
- PhilMayorSuper Hero
Thanks, Daniel, I built a course a long time ago where the user clicked on cards and revealed parts of an image if they got the question correct, I would have loved to have this, then.
You build great stuff, and the problem with building complex stuff is you spend too much time staring at the screen wondering why you built it that way, and didn't make it simpler.
- DanielBrigham-bCommunity Member
Developing "fun" e-learning projects is like the process of writing in that
you learn a lot along the way. This project has a ton of ways it could be
applied, as you can tell by the comments!And in the end, man, I think we are remembered by what we share, what we
give away.
- JoeHall-dfe4bb2Community Member
Really nice Phil.. Like the grid, can you post the file out to me?
- SarahHodgeFormer Staff
Hi Joe! Just saw this comment. In case you're still interested, you can download Phil's file here.
- NileshKamble-23Community Member
Please show me its Sl file
- SarahHodgeFormer Staff
Hi Nilesh! You can download Phil's file here.
- HamanDaxenCommunity Member
I am just starting out with Articulate of this website, it is inspiring to see great pieces of work like this. Cheers.