Forum Discussion

JosephMello-43e's avatar
Community Member
8 days ago

Storyline Multiple Choice any of several correct answers

Hi - in Storyline, I have a Knowledge check with 7 choices. 4 are correct. I would like a person to be able to choose any 3 of the 4. Is this possible, or does the person have to choose *all* correct responses?

  • Not directly, but there's a work-around to this from back in the day that should still work for you. The trick is to ensure that the Scoring on the MCSA is set to Score by Choice (and not by Question). 

    Refer to:

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Your biggest challenge will be exploring all possible combinations that make the answer correct and integrating them into the trigger's condition criteria.

    If your question is not included in the Result slide, you don't need to disguise it as a Multiple Choice Question, as suggested by Judy. Instead, you can simply display the "Correct" or "Incorrect" feedback based on the conditions set in the trigger when the Submit button is clicked. 

    If your question is included in the Result slide, then Judy's solution is the way to go. However, keep in mind that you’ll still need to create the logic and test all possible combinations to ensure the disguised question is marked as Correct when the condition criteria are met.

    An example of a disguised question, and triggers with all possible combinations and conditions based on your initial post, would look like this: