Forum Discussion
Question bank won't let me choose several questions?
I'm working with question banks and I have seen a film where I should be able to choose a certain amount of questions to draw from - however that choice does not exist in my question bank - where can I find it? (I'm referring to the "number of questions and the roll down menu from this film: ELH: Question Bank examples).
And one more question, on a different subject. Can i somehow choose that my links won't change color according to the theme color? I need to have a certain color for my company but when it is on the link text it becomes almost unreadable.
Hi UB undervisning,
Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!
I'm sorry to hear that you're running into this issue with your question bank and link color. If you're comfortable sharing your file with us, I'd be happy to take a closer look at what you're seeing. You can upload it here or share it privately in a support case. We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.