6 months agoCommunity Member
Free form screen
Hello All,
I am working on a Storyline module for Professional Email Communication. I am on the struggle bus with putting my vision into action. My plan is:
- Show an email with a customer request.
- Then merge in a layer for the learner to write a response (free form)
- Then have the learner compare the elements of a professional response with what they produced.
The flow would be to show layer 1, then have layer 2 come in to write a response (with layer 1 still visible).
Once they submit the response they typed, layer 1 will disappear, layer 2 will stay and layer 3 will appear to do a self-analysis or compare of the professional response.
I don’t know how to do a free form fill-in type screen. I think I can build the triggers to do the appear and disappear navigation, but the free form screen I am struggling with.
Do you know if there is a tutorial available anywhere for free form typing on a screen in Storyline?