Forum Discussion

MickeyTortorell's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

French Translation for Labels


I used French to create custom labels for one of our courses, however, the 'Submit' button related to quiz questions in the course is not translating to 'valider' as it should be.  I've attached a screen shot.  Can you help with this please.  All other labels have been translated properly.   thank you!


  • Hello everyone!

    I have great news to share! We are no longer seeing this bug where the words "Read More" are not translated in embedded content within a Rise 360 course. 

    Please let us know if you’re still noticing the issue, and we’ll be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Mickey,

    What does this button display when you preview the course?

  • Hi Karl,

    I just checked it in 'preview' mode and the correct translation is there.  Why is it not appearing like all the other french translated labels in 'edit' mode though?

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Mickey,

      No idea why it happens. I came across this quirk before.

  • Hi Mickey and Karl,

    Rise 360 renders translated text labels in the preview or publishing process. The translated labels aren't communicated to the editing view until you preview the course. 

  • HI Alyssa,

    I have viewed the translated labels in editing mode.  As I mentioned, the only label that was not translated in editing mode was the 'submit' button and then when switching to preview mode it was translated.  I've attached a file where you can see the 'Continue' button is translated, but the 'submit' button is not, and this is in Edit mode.

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Mickey, thanks for your screenshot!

      That continue button looks like it was manually translated and not translated by our labels.

      In our default French labels, it is set to "continuer", while your continue button says "poursuivez".

      This may have been manually edited in the Edit Section of the Continue Block:

      The translations for labels should only render in Preview mode or when published. Hope that helps!

      • CatherineBoutin's avatar
        Community Member

        Hello, thank you for this exchange, it helped me answer that very same question. However, there is still an issue with the label "Read More" for the embedded weblinks. Even in Preview mode, and also in Review mode, the label does not translate into French. However, I do see the proper "En savoir plus" label in the course settings. How do I correct this?


  • Hello Catherine, 

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag! 

    We are currently tracking a known issue that causes the words "Read More" to not be translated in embedded content inside a Process Block. I've added this post to the report so we can notify you as soon as a fix is released. Here's a quick look at how bugs are fixed in Rise 360. 

  • Thanks Joe! I won't be publishing my course for a few weeks at least, so hopefully we'll have that cleared up before then. :)

    I'll keep an eye out for the updates!

  • Hello everyone!

    I have great news to share! We are no longer seeing this bug where the words "Read More" are not translated in embedded content within a Rise 360 course. 

    Please let us know if you’re still noticing the issue, and we’ll be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.