Forum Discussion

BilliJoThompson's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Friday Afternoon burn out????

I am beginning to wonder if I am just losing my mind! 

I am using branching to move through a story. Slides 1.3-1.10 work great. However, I can not for the life of me seem to get Slide 1.11 to appear. There has to be a problem somewhere between slides 1.10 and 1.11.

Desperately seeking assistance! File attached for reference. Thanks in advance to anyone that can see what I am NOT seeing! 

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    Are you sure BHAZ eventually gets set to 4? Slides 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15 all have that variable's value needing to be "4" before a click on Text Box 1 will take the user to 1.11.

    Try inserting a Text Box Reference to BHAZ on those slides, to see if it is incrementing the way you intend.

  • I think the problem is being too casual with numbering and naming. At least that made it very difficult for me to troubleshoot. I renumbered the slides. Fortunately, that was really easy because you wrote your triggers to jump to slide names, not numbers or Next. You just drag one slide to be below another slide, and when the little blue arrow appears, the lower one is renumbered to be the next slide in order.
    That made it a lot easier to follow what was happening. There was a Visited variable missing, which I had to create, and the names of the objects did not match the names of the slides. That made it more difficult, but I was able to work through it. The problem was that the triggers to change the variables did not match the slide numbers. For example, maybe viewed111 would be set to visited if slide 1.13 was visited, and changed if the object that jumped to slide 1.15 was in the visited state. Once I made all those numbers consistent, it came together and worked.
    I am generally very suspicious of triggers that add values to variables to determine if everything has been visited. It can cause problems if a learner revisits, or if somehow the number exceeds the = threshold (in this case four). For future reference, a better practice (and easier) is to change the visitedxxx variable when the learner clicks the X to close the other slide. Then, a trigger to jump to slide1.15 if all the variables are true, and return to the menu if they aren't. A lot fewer triggers, no messing with Visited states or keeping count, and the learner at least has to indicate they have seen the material. However, your method works, and does prevent double counting, so I think it would be easier to keep it..