Forum Discussion

JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Funky Menu States and Quiz Scoring

I'm totally baffled on this one.

Issue 1

I've got a menu that changes states from nothing to started to completed as the user progresses through the course. For some unknown reason, one of the states has repeating words that are not showing anywhere except here. The trigger for the state change is in the final slide after each quiz. 

Issue 2

One of the questions in Quiz 1 is pulling a weird green checkmark and some text that I can't read when it is reviewed using Review the Quiz after the quiz is completed. This is a default feature and I can't figure out where these layers are coming from to delete this random info.

Issue 3

The quizzes aren't scoring correctly. Quiz 1 isn't counting any points at all, and the passing points are calculating to 16, and I have no clue where that is coming from. Quiz 2 is scoring, but does percentage and I just wanted points.

Here's the link to Review 360 and I've attached the Storyline file with crossed fingers hoping someone sees whatever it is that I'm missing. 


  • SandeepGadam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hello Jean Marrapodi, I reviewed your SL and file and here is what I found so far:

    Issue 1: On slide 2.1: Topics in this course: For items 2,3, & 4 apart from the blue rectangle, the text boxes have individual states. Delete those extra states and you can get rid of the repeating words.

    Issue 2: On the results slide, select the Review Quiz button, edit the highlighted trigger and double click on that trigger. On the pop up screen, uncheck the Show correct/incorrect responses when reviewing. Thus you can get rid of the excess text displayed on the quiz slides.

    Issue 3: Change the reference text to display the Quiz score points. Delete the existing reference text and add a new reference variable by selecting the right one from the built in variables.

    Let me know if you need any further help and I'll be glad to help you with!!

    • JeanMarrapodi-c's avatar
      Community Member

      Bless you!! I never thought to check the states of the text. That fixed it. Now to fiddle with the quizzes. You've absolutely made my day @Sandeep. Thanks so much.