Forum Discussion

AchyutBiswas-22's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago


Is there any chance to create a gamification where a team can work on like a project

  • SandeepGadam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Yogitha, are you inquiring whether a group of individuals can engage in a collaborative gaming experience using content created with Storyline 360?

    If yes, then you can certainly create gamification elements within a team project using Storyline 360. Also let other hero's chime in and share their feedback.

    In the meantime, please refer to this article for more information.

  • Thanks a ton Sandeep! If the course is uploading on LMS, how do teams collaborate in that case?

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      The link Sandeep points to is the Team Slides in Storyline. Alas thats no realtime collaboration. Its downloading slides and working locally on it and then uploading it again. So no cooperation. It is possible though check this.

      here you can see a multiplayer setup in Storyline. This could be also a teamwork environment. Alas as is this is heavy Javascript and backend programming so no easy task. But it is possible.

      • SandeepGadam's avatar
        Community Member

        Hey Math, Good to see you back. I really appreciate for educating me on this approach. Even I wasn't sure of the approach that I posted earlier, but as I found that article I felt like sharing it here.

        Once again TYSM..

  • SandeepGadam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hey Math, I reviewed your link and that was real cool stuff. Wish I could get my hands on the SL file to see how you programmed the game!! By any chance would you be willing to share the file here to via mail at

    Thank you again!

    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Alas no. Too much time, development and code into this. And its complex.

  • I had plans for given workshops and making tutorials about this...but time is limited and workload tremendous :-)