Forum Discussion

JeroenVerhoeckx's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Ghost link

Hello Storyline developers,

In the attached screenshot you can see that there is a link that points from slide 2.10 to slide 2.11.

I want to remove that link, but I can't find it anywhere in the slide of 2.10 (also attached). Does somebody know how to debug this?


Thanks in advance!


  • You have something odd on these slides that is slowing it down to a crawl, I suspect you have a corrupted element likely on the slide master.

    A 5bg file does take a while to save the 64bit version should help but will still take a while. I have a 1gb file that is taking a couple of minutes.

    The slide trigger issue I have no idea can not see a wrong trigger


  • > You have something odd on these slides that is slowing it down to a crawl, I suspect you have a > corrupted element likely on the slide master.

    Okay, I will check the slides master/layouts. Is there something specific I could look for?


    > The slide trigger issue I have no idea can not see a wrong trigger

    I guess, the only option left, is to recreate the slide?

    • Nedim's avatar
      Community Member

      You were looking at the wrong side. What do you think Storyline would do after submitting an interaction if the feedback is set to "None"? It will go to the next slide. Whenever you have a built-in quizzing slide in your project, it will point to the next slide, even if your slides are entirely empty. See the attached .story file and let me know if the issue is resolved.

      • PhilMayor's avatar
        Super Hero

        Good work Nedim I stared at that and it was obvious.

        Sent from my iPhone

  • Hello Nedim,

    Thanks for thinking along!

    Maybe I'm missing something, but when I open your file it still has a link pointing from slide 2.13 to 2.14?

    What do you mean with "if the feedback is set to None".  Do you mean the section "Set feedback and branching" in the Form View?

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    I referred to the Question Feedback option in the Design tab.

    If this option is set to "None," the feedback layers are turned off for this question. If there is even one slide after the quiz slide, when you hit the "Submit" button, the Storyline will assume you want to proceed and will forward you to the next slide, regardless of whether you have other layers to show in place of the default feedback layers.

    Check this example: I have 10 blank slides (no objects, no triggers, no default navigation buttons) and one quiz question with no submit button and no feedback layers. The quiz slide is still pointing to the next slide. You should not worry about as long as you have other triggers and objects in place that make your interactions work as intended.


  • @Nedim,
    Thank your very much! I now know what you mean! I turned the option Feedback by question on, moved the content of my custom layers to the new correct and incorrect feedback layers, and now it works as intended! Thanks you very much!! This really helped me a lot!


    Can you make a bug report for this, so that if can be fixed in a future version of Articulate Storyline? This way other people will not run into the same situation as I did.

  • And to be sure: I haven't been able to remove the ghost link, but now at least the user goes to the right slide after clicking on the next button (which didn't happen earlier).

  • @Phil:

    The main reason why saving the project was so slow, had to due with the videos, because when I removed the videos the saving of the project went from 7 minutes to 1 minute.

    Do you happen to know why it becomes so slow when you add some videos? Compression is turned, so I don't know what Storyline is doing in the back. And do you think it's still necessary to look for corrupted elements on the master slides? If so, where do I have to look for?