Glitch with Scene.SlideNumber and Background Images?
Hey everyone. I could use some help and/or sanity here. Last year we ran into an issue where Scene.SlideNumber would change the slide number before the slide advances (for a split second the number would change). We came up with a band-aid fix for it, but today the same issue came up. After doing a lot of troubleshooting (creating a new file to recreate it, etc.) I found that if I removed some graphics (background and a logo), then the variable doesn't change! This is maddening! Am I the only one? There is no logic to why this would make a difference to the Scene.SlideNumber variable (by the way, the questions are in their own scene).
I'm attaching two files here as examples and hoping someone could say I'm doing something wrong or it is in fact a glitch. In the example there is a quiz bank with 10 questions and I have it selecting 5 at random. On the 5th question when you click "Continue" from the feedback screen, in the "with background" file, it flashes "1" on the 5th question before advancing to the next slide. In the "without background" file, "Question 5" stays as it should and does not flash "1".
I hope I'm making sense here and I appreciate any feedback on this! Thanks!
P.S. The background images are on the master slides. I didn't test out the images right on the slide or not on the master slide.