Forum Discussion
Glitch with Scene.SlideNumber and Background Images?
Hi Lee,
I'm sorry you're running into this, and thanks for bringing this to our attention! I appreciate the sample files you attached; they helped me understand the problem better.
I tried to reproduce the issue on a new Storyline project and found that the issue happens when the slide on the next scene uses a "Picture or texture fill" with an image file as the background image. Please see the GIF of my tests below. I've attached the Storyline project I used for your reference.
I reported this to our product engineers as a possible bug, so they can investigate the problem and provide a fix as needed. We work hard to prevent software bugs from happening, but sometimes they sneak up on us. So here's how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.
In the meantime, you can remove the image background in slide 3.1 of your project as a workaround. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- LeeMillard-d77f2 years agoCommunity Member
Hi Eric!
Okay, I appreciate you being able to replicate this and confirm that I am not crazy. And secondly, thank you for forwarding this to your product engineers! We use background image fills very frequently and this explains why it's glitching when using a background image. I will be very excited if your team reviews and can squash this bug in a (near) future update! Thanks for looking into this for me!