Forum Discussion
GSAP and changing the window size
Math Notermans has made several posts about GSAP in the past, many of which talk about positioning and resizing. Try reading some his posts for ideas. Long story short, yes you need to use a resize event handler to update your GSAP animations whenever the document changes size. While you can attach an event to the window, that does not handle size changes caused by the side menu. You should attach it to the main slide or possibly an object on your slide (like a rectangle that covers the slide background, behind everything else).
The resize event handler will either restart your animation or redraw your objects into the correct current locations (or sizes, rotations, colors, etc.) whenever the display size changes. Depending upon you setup, you may need to know what state things are suppose to be in to correct them.
I will post an example soonish that includes a resize event handler in the post linked below. You can examine it to see how it works.