Forum Discussion

JessicaCorral-a's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Hebrew Seekbar Orientation


I am working on creating a training in Hebrew. I have edited the player properties so that the Player Text labels are in "Hebrew" and the Text is read from "right to left." However, I noticed that the seekbar completes from left to right.

This would also be the case for Arabic.

Is there a way to change the seekbar so that it completes "right to left?"

  • We are also beginning to work on multi-language content, and some of our target languages read from right to left. Do people speaking the languages expect a progress bar to move from right to left?

    Just because the text is read from right to left doesn't necessarily mean the progress bar also moves from right to left. We are currently working on creating multi-language content, and some of the target languages we are focusing on are read from right to left. However, we are unsure whether people who speak these languages expect the progress bar to move from right to left as well. Just because the text is read from right to left, it does not necessarily mean that the progress bar should also move from right to left. Can anyone share about this? Thank you.

  • Hi everyone! 

    I appreciate you taking the time to share what you’d like to see in Storyline 360. We currently have this logged as a feature request, so I’ll go ahead and include your voices. We’ll update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.

    I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!