Forum Discussion

ElizabethLac614's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Help - Turn off incoming email notifications from SME Reviewers.

Need to avoid incoming emails from large group of SMEs who are revieiwing many modules.  Inbox overfloweth :)    These projects do not benefit from the feature and I find it annoying to have to sift thru all those emails when I could just open the Review mode and address their comments as displayed.  Yes, I know my reply to a comment will email the SME so we avoid that if possible.  HELP!  Can I turn off the email notification of each & every comment?  THank you!


  • You can easily turn off the notifications. Start by clicking the "..." in the upper right. Then select Project Notifications in the drop-down menu. That will open the Notification Settings, where you can mute all notifications.