Forum Discussion

AmeliaCostigan's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

HELP. Laid off: How to present Rise Course content to potential new employers

I designed a library of very successful e-learnings in Rise. They are behind a paywall. I was laid off this week. I don't own Articulate at home and am now laid off.. so not sure i can invest in the program right now. How do you share content with potential employers? What format if you don't own the program (even if I do, it's on my work account)? I only have access for 4 more days so any suggestions would be so helpful to me. 


  • Legally, all the content you created as an employee belongs to the company. Without their permission, you can't share it. 

    You could ask for permission to share portions of the trainings you created. They might let you do that if you remove proprietary info. You could then create a "highlights" project, publish it for the web,  and save those files. Of course, you'd have to do all that within 4 days. And you'd still have to figure out where to put the published files for sharing. (Search Tom Kulhmann's blog; I think he's posted about using the Amazon servers.) 

    Or perhaps they'd be willing to let you use a few screenshots (again, with proprietary info removed). Then you could use those with descriptions of how interactions worked, etc. 

    At the very least, make a list of the topics you covered in all those courses, and be prepared to describe how you presented the content.

    Yes, purchasing a license may be out of reach for a while. But rest assured that potential employers will (or, at least, should) understand why you can't show them courses from another employer. 

    Best wishes!